(January 1921 - Volume 18 Number 1)


Because of several unfinished games, awaiting adjudication, the report of the telegraphic match played between San Francisco and Los Angeles, May 30, 1920, furnished to the Bulletin by Stasch Mlotkowski, chess editor of the Los Angeles Examiner, who headed the Los Angeles team, was first held up and, later, unfortunately side-tracked, thus accounting for this somewhat belated chronicle of one of the most important contests in the far West. The competition for inter-city honors was of the keenest, but, finally, when adjudication of the few unfinished games had been completed, the Los Angeles players were found to be victors by a margin of 2 points in a total of 12 games.

The complete summary follows:


Boards. Score.

1 A. J. Fink      0
2 E. W. Gruernbsp;      .5
3 B. Smithn      0
4 C. Woskoff      1
5 W. H. Smith      .5
6 A. Stamer      .5
7 E. W. Rosenblatt      1
8 J. O. Chilton      1
9 Dr. Haber      0
10 F. Huber      .5
11 E. J. Ford      0
12 K. Barhaus      0

Total .................... 5


Boards. Score.

S. Mlotkowski      1
H. Borochow      .5
E. R. Perry      1
J. A. Drouilliard      0
G. A. L'Hommede      .5
E. W. Grabill      .5
S. W. Peterson      0
A. L. Burnett      0
B. V. B. Dixon      1
J. W. Smith      .5
W. A. Lewis      1
W. Struve      1

Total ................... 7

San Francisco played White on the odd-numbered boards.
The openings: 1, Ruy Lopez; 2, Caro-Kann Defense; 3, Ruy Lopez; 4, Scotch; 5, Ruy Lopez; 6, Ruy Lopez; 7, Scotch; 8, Vienna; 9, Four Knights; 10, Ruy Lopez; 11, Center Counter; 12, Three Knights.

Dr. Haber (SF) - Dixon (LA)
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 Kt-B3 Kt-B3
4 B-Kt5 P-Q3
5 P-Q4 B-Q2
6 BxKt BxB
7 P-Q5 B-Q2
8 Castles B-K2
9 Q-Q3 Castles
10 Kt-K2 Kt-R4
11 Kt-Kt3 Kt-B5
12 BxKt PxB
13 Kt-K2 P-KKt4
14 KKt-Q4 B-KB3
15 P-QB3 B-K4
16 Kt-B5 BxKt
17 PxB K-R
18 P-KKt4 PxP(ep)
19 BPxP P-Kt5
20 Kt-B4 Q-Kt4
21 QR-K QR-K
22 Q-K3 B-B3
23 QxP R-R
24 QxP RxP
25 QxP RxP
26 QxQP Q-R3
27 Kt-Kt6ch BPxKt
28 P-R4 BxBP
29 R-K6 B-Kt2
30 P-B6 BxP
31 QRxB Q-K6ch
32 KR-B2 R-Kt8ch
33 K-Kt2 Q-K5ch
34 QR-B3 RxR

(Reported as the most brilliant game in the match between San Francisco and Los Angeles).

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