THE CALIFORNIA CHESS REPORTER (Vol. XXI No. 4) January-February 1972


   The Reporter's Games Editor, Jude F. Acers, returned at the end of the year from a nationwide tour in which he gave 124 simultaneous exhibitions in 82 different cities and towns. He visited thirty states in six months.

   Acers is described by Martin E. Morrison, editor of Chess Voice, as follows: "In a rare combination, Acers combines his top-flight chess ability with a zeal for publicizing and promotion chess at all levels. On his nationwide tour his exhibitions were covered on radio and television. Audiences were spellbound at his lectures. One reporter described his rush of words as' a machine gun with its trigger stuck.' Acers describes chess to the press and public-at-large as this country's most popular sport. He is one of the most vigorous salesmen chess has.

   Acers, never known for his false modesty, describes himself as one of the top ten young players in the country. His opponents, at first amused by his lofty claims, have been embarrassed by his stunning series of victories... His total record to date is 1033 wins, 37 losses, 18 draws!"

   Acers spent January in Jackson, Wyoming, as the paid guest of John Alexander. He taught chess to skiers and to young people, and was so successful that he has been invited back next year.

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