Precita Valley CHESS HERALD
Vol. 2, No. 4, April 1957

EVER WATCH THE EXPRESSIONS on the many familiar faces during team matches? I once saw a motion picture of myself playing a tourney game. I was both surprised and shocked to see myself and then couldn't believe it was really me! Sometimes when I'm roving around these team matches I wished I had a hidden motion picture camera --, there are many interesting studies. For instance, at Mechanics' Institute on April 6th there was Dave Peizer of the U.C. team. His eyes were glued to the board and his head wrinkled with deep concentration. Not so odd, eh? Well, it so happens his opponent wasn't there and his opponent's clock was ticking away --, the pieces were still where they should be before the game begins. His opponent had the white pieces but not one move had been made through the clock showed 35 minutes gone. When asked what he thought of the position he was so deeply concentrating on, Dave replied, "My position is awful cramped!" How true --, how true…

Speaking of the Univ. of Calif. Team, they do have a nice club that meets at the Steven's Memorial Union on the campus grounds of the university. The club has a lot of talent with such noted players as Jack Hursch, Bob Currie, Ed Simanis, Dave Pelzer, Victor Bloomfield, and Ted Eisenstadt (remember him?) is about to join the team. Says Ted, "I quite chess to concentrate on my studies, but there are so many other diversions that this didn't solve anything!" Glad to see you back in chess circles, Ted!

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